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Découvrez PIXELS
École Centrale Lyon

Pixels c’est l’association audiovisuelle de l’École qui capture sous tous les angles la vie étudiante.
Des soirées endiablées aux week-end sportifs, Pixels fige les instants les plus hilarants, sérieux et émouvants en photos et vidéos.

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PIXELS vu par les étudiants

Cold calling can be a great way to generate quality leads. You get to speak to the gatekeepers and stakeholders, and you get a great insight into their requirements and influences. But cold calling is an art-form. It can be daunting, it’s always a lot of work, and you always need to make a good impression.

Daniel Jordan

Daniel Jordan

Phonet, 0A

Whether you or your loved one is encountering the natural decrease in mobility that occurs with the passing of time, or deals with an illness-related lack of physical agility, a stair lift can be the ideal way to put you in charge of your home again. Regardless of the shape or make of your living accommodation.

Jonathan Peters

Jonathan Peters

Textic, 2A

In this digital generation where information can be easily obtained within seconds, business cards still have retained their importance in the achievement of increased business exposure and business sales. If your business already has a bunch of printed cards distributed to a number of potential customers and yet.

Antonio Willis

Antonio Willis

Cyberse, 4A